Tuesday, September 28, 2010

RFID market for rollcages and totes doubles

I am attending the IDTechEx RFID Europe 2010 in Cambridge. Yesterday I helped Peter Harrop present the RFID masterclass on passive, active and Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) - it was really good fun.

This morning Raghu Das the CEO of IDTechEx is in the middle of presenting his overall RFID market analysis.

The really interesting point for me is the part of his analysis where he shows that the number of RFID tags used for "Container, Rollcage, ULD and Tote" applications has grown from 39 million to 76 million items. The value of this business sector in terms of the RFID industry has risen from $35m to $47m

The postal industry needs to get itself organised in terms of "usage rules" and "industry standards" to take advantage of this now mature technology. I will be speaking about this next week at Post Expo in Copenhagen

1 comment:

Miltoncontact said...

Hi Richard, sounds like you had a good meeting!
Was there a breakdown of the increase in RFID Tags used in the study with respect to whether they were active or inactive tags?
Good luck next week!