Saturday, October 9, 2010

Post Expo 2010 in Copenhagen

Just back home from four very exhausting days in Copenhagen. I chaired the "Developments in RFID" technology workgroup. We had a room full room of enthusiatic delegates and some really good speakers.
Bo Helmer Larsen from Lyngsoe talked about bringing management visibility into into sorting centres. Mikko Nikkanen from UPM Raflatac explained the commercial opportunities opened up by the latest RFID tag designs. Joaquim Serrahima from AIDA Centre provided a supplier report on the very successful Global Monitoring System and their work with Correos in Spain and Catina Aghayan from the Middle East RFID Association explained her role in the Arab Triangle RFID project and how a strong user coordination is vital in RFID projects.
I took an executive decision to add an extra 15-20 minutes to the session so that we could have a really interactive Question and Answer session.
At an event like Post Expo I always take the opportunity to judge the state of the industry. The big expensive "hospitality" stands were still in evidence but I usually steer clear as you are unlikely to find much of real interest. At the other end of the scale there are the small standholders who probably have good ideas and products but nobody is visiting their stands. ( I feel really sorry for them) In the middle are the interesting technology stands (from my point of view) and they were definitely attracting the middle tier posts who need technology innovation to survive and prosper. You had to queue up to speak to the experts at these stands
It is a very difficult time for the Postal industry. Royal Mail and USPS were very noticable by their absence - maybe one or two individuals but they were keeping a very low profile. The postal delegations were all there but paired down to a small number of key decision makers - hardly any industrial tourists.
I picked up some really significant trends and will be blogging about these over the next few weeks. I will also be setting up a niche webinar programme to take forward some of these themes.

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